13/01/25 | 39 | Treatment emergent central sleep apnea in patients treated with a mandibular advancement device | SLEEP MEDICINE | 3,8 | Hédi Aïssani, Jean-Daniel Kün-Darbois, Clémence Moreau, Frédéric Gagnadoux, Wojciech Trzepizur, IRSR Pays de la Loire Sleep Cohort Study Group | Lire |
02/08/24 | 38 | Association of positive airway pressure termination with mortality and non-fatal cardiovascular events in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea | THORAX | 9 | AbdelKebir Sabil, Claire Launois, Wojchiech Trzepizur, François Goupil, Thierry Pigeanne, Sandrine Launois, Laurène Leclair-Visonneau, Philippe Masson, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, Sandrine Kerbat, Sebastien Bailly, Frédéric Gagnadoux | Lire |
15/06/24 | 37 | Association between healthy behaviors and healthcare resource use with subsequent positive airway pressure therapy adherence in obstructive sleep apnoea | CHEST | 10,1 | Claire Launois, Sebastien Bailly, Abdelkebir Sabil, François Goupil, Thierry Pigeanne, Carole Hervé, Philippe Masson, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, Nicole Meslier, Sandrine Kerbrat, Wojciech Trzepizur, Frédéric Gagnadoux, on behalf of the IRSR Pays de la Loire Sleep Cohort Study Group | Lire |
25/04/24 | 36 | Chronic cough in patients with obstructive sleep apnea : a prospective cohort study | PULMONOLOGY JOURNAL | 11,7 | Laurent Guilleminau, Jérémie Riou, Sandrine Pontier, Kamila Sedkaoui, Frédéric Gagnadoux, Wojciech Trzepizur | Lire |
20/02/23 | 35 | Adherence to continuous positive airway pressure treatment in a cohort of elderly adults with newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea | SLEEP BREATHING PHYSIOLOGY AND DISORDERS | 2,816 | Fannie Onen, Saban-Hakki Onen, Marc Le Vaillant, Frédéric Gagnadoux, Francis Martin on behalf of the S.AGES Study Group | Lire |
19/12/22 | 34 | Sleep apnea and incident unprovoked venous thromboembolism: data from the Pays de la Loire sleep cohort | THROMB HAEMOST | 16,036 | Trzepizur W, Gerves C, Heudes B, Blanchard M, Meslier N, Jouvenot M, Kerbrat S, Le Mao R, Magois E, Racineux JL, Sabil A, Thereaux J, Couturaud F, Frederic G. | Lire |
29/12/22 | 33 | A Deep Survival Learning Approach for Cardiovascular Risk Estimation in Patients With Sleep Apnea | IEEE ACCESS | 3,476 | MARGAUX BLANCHARD, MATHIEU FEUILLOY, ABDELKEBIR SABIL,CHLOÉ GERVÈS-PINQUIÉ, FRÉDÉRIC GAGNADOUX, AND JEAN-MARC GIRAULT | Lire |
04/04/23 | 32 | Pulse wave amplitude drops index: a new biomarker of cardiovascular risk in obstructive sleep apnea | EUR RESPIR J | 16,67 | G Solelhac, M Sánchez-De-La Torre, M Blanchard, M Berger, N A Marchi, C Hirotsu, G Bernardi, M Betta, P Vollenweider, J Vaucher, A Zapater, E Gracia-Lavedan, P Marques-Vidal, F Barbé, F Gagnadoux, R Heinze | Lire |
11/07/22 | 31 | Positive airway pressure adherence, mortality and cardio-vascular events in sleep apnea patient | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE | 21,41 | Chloé Gervès-Pinquié, Sebastien Bailly, François Goupil, Thierry Pigeanne, Sandrine Launois, Laurene Leclair-Visonneau, Philippe Masson, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, Margaux Blanchard , AbdelKebir Sabil, Dany Jaffuel, Jean-Louis Racineux, Wojciech Trzepizur, Frédéric Gagnadoux, Pays de la Loire Sleep Cohort Study Group | Lire |
15/08/22 | 30 | Reply to The challenges of estimating causal effects of CPAP therapy from observational data | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE | 21,41 | Sébastien Bailly, Chloé Gervès-Pinquié, Frédéric Gagnadoux | Lire |
15/03/22 | 29 | Cancer risk in adherent users of polyurethane foamcontaining CPAP devices for sleep apnoea | EUR RESPIR J | 16,67 | Justeau Grégoire; Gerves-Pinquié Chloé; Jouvenot, Marie; PIgeanne Thierry; Launois Sandrine; Leclair-Visonneau Laurene; Masson Philippe; Bizieux-Thaminy Acya; BAILLY Sébastien; Meslier Nicole; Sabil AbdelKebir; Racineux Jean-Louis; Trzepizur Wojciech; Gagnadoux Frederic | Lire |
23/05/22 | 28 | Overnight pulse rate variability and risk of major neurocognitive disorder in older patients with obstructive sleep apnea | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY | 4,85 | AbdelKebir Sabil, Margaux Blanchard, Cédric Annweiler, Sébastien Bailly, François Goupil, Thierry Pigeanne, Wojciech Trzepizur, Chloé Gervès-Pinquié, Frédéric Gagnadoux, on behalf of the Pays de la Loire Sleep Cohort study group | Lire |
23/09/21 | 27 | Risk factors for sleepiness at the wheel and sleep-related car accidents among patients with obstructive sleep apnea: data from the French Pays de la Loire sleep cohort | NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP | 4,99 | AbdelKebir SABIL, Remi Bignard, Chloé Gervès-Pinquié, Pierre Philip, Marc Le Vaillant, Wojciech Trzepizur, Nicole Meslier, Frédéric Gagnadoux | Lire |
27/09/21 | 26 | Cardiovascular risk and mortality prediction in patients suspected of sleep apnea: a model based on an artificial intelligence system | PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT | 2,103 | Margaux BLANCHARD, Mathieu FEUILLOY, Chloé GERVES-PINQUIE, Wojciech TRZEPIZUR, Nicole MESLIER, Audrey PARIS, Thierry PIGEANNE, Jean-Louis RACINEUX, Frédéric BALUSSON, Emmanuel OGER, Frédéric GAGNADOUX et Jean-Marc GIRAULT, au nom du groupe ERMES. | Lire |
14/07/21 | 25 | Long-term dentoskeletal side-effects of mandibular advancement therapy in patients with obstructive sleep apnea | CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS | 2,812 | Nicolas BALDINI, Frédéric GAGNADOUX, Wojciech TRZEPIZUR, Nicole MESLIER, Julien DUGAS, Chloé GERVES PINQUIE, Frédérique CHOUET-GIRARD, Jean-Daniel KUN-DARBOIS | Lire |
10/08/21 | 24 | Cancer risk in patients with sleep apnoea following adherent 5-year CPAP therapy | ERJ | 16,67 | Justeau G, Bailly S, Gerves-Pinquie C, Trzepizur W, Meslier N, Goupil F, Pigeanne T, Launois S, Leclair-Visonneau Il, Masson P, Bizieux A, Racineux JL, Gozal D, Gagnadoux F | Lire |
14/10/21 | 23 | Sleep Apnea Specific Hypoxic Burden, Symptom Subtypes and Risk of Cardiovascular Events and All-Cause Mortality | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE | 21,41 | Wojciech Trzepizur, Margaux Blanchard, Timothée Ganem, Frédéric Balusson, Mathieu Feuilloy, Jean-Marc Girault, Nicole Meslier, Emmanuel Oger, Audrey Paris, Thierry Pigeanne, Jean-Louis Racineux, AbdelKebir Sabil, Chloé Gervès-Pinquié, Frédéric Gagnadoux, ERMES study group | Lire |
08/04/21 | 22 | Overnight oximetry-derived pulse-rate variability predicts stroke risk in patients with obstructive sleep apnea | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL MEDICINE | 17,452 | AbdelKebir Sabil , Chloé Gervès-Pinquié , Margaux Blanchard , Mathieu Feuilloy , Wojciech Trzepizur , François Goupil , Thierry Pigeanne , Emmanuel Oger , Jean-Marc Girault , Frédéric Gagnadoux , and , on behalf of the ERMES study group | Lire |
01/03/21 | 21 | Predicting treatment response to mandibular advancement therapy using a titratable thermoplastic device | CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS | 2,62 | Wojciech Trzepizur, Benjamin Adrian, Marc Le Vaillant, Nicole Meslier, Jean-Daniel Kün-Darbois & Frédéric Gagnadoux | Lire |
12/01/21 | 20 | Association of nocturnal hypoxemia and pulse rate variability with incident atrial fibrillation in patients investigated for OSA | ANN AM THORAC SOC | 4,836 | Margaux Blanchard , Chloé Gervès-Pinquié , Mathieu Feuilloy , Marc Le Vaillant , Wojciech Trzepizur , Nicole Meslier , Audrey Paris , Thierry Pigeanne , Jean-Louis Racineux , Frédéric Balusson , Emmanuel Oger , Jean-Marc Girault , Frédéric Gagnadoux , and , the ERMES study group | Lire |
19/11/20 | 19 | Hypoxic burden and heart rate variability predict stroke incidence in sleep apnoea | ERJ | 12,339 | Margaux Blanchard, Chloé Gervès-Pinquié, Mathieu Feuilloy, Marc Le Vaillant, Wojciech Trzepizur, Nicole Meslier, François Goupil, Thierry Pigeanne, Frédéric Balusson, Emmanuel Oger, AbdelKebir Sabil, Jean-Marc Girault, Frédéric Gagnadoux on behalf of the ERMES study group | Lire |
25/09/20 | 18 | A CPAP data–based algorithm for automatic early prediction of therapy adherence | SPRINGER LINK | 2,42 | AbdelKebir Sabil, Marc Le Vaillant, Christy Stitt, François Goupil, Thierry Pigeanne, Laurene Leclair-Visonneau, Philippe Masson, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, Marie-Pierre Humeau, Nicole Meslier & Frédéric Gagnadoux | Lire |
17/08/20 | 17 | Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea Within a large multicenter french cohort : prevalence, characteristics and treatment outcomes | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE | 3,586 | AbdelKebir Sabil, PhD, Margaux Blanchard, MS, Wojciech Trzepizur, MD, PhD, François Goupil, MD, Nicole Meslier, MD, PhD, Audrey Paris, MD, Thierry Pigeanne, MD, Pascaline Priou, MD, Marc Le Vaillant, PhD, Frédéric Gagnadoux, MD, PhD, on behalf of the Pays de la Loire Sleep Cohort Group | Lire |
24/08/20 | 16 | Risk-seeking attitude in health and safety domain is associated with CPAP discontinuation in patients with OSA - a multicenter prospective cohort study | SLEEP | 4,3 | Nathalie Pelletier-Fleury, Marc Le Vaillant, François Goupil, Audrey Paris, Thierry Pigeane, Frédéric Gagnadoux, Nicole Meslier, IRSR Sleep Cohort Group | Lire |
15/07/20 | 15 | Diagnosis of sleep apnea without sensors placed on the patient's face | JCSM | 3,586 | AbdelKebir Sabil, PhD, Caroline Marien, MD, Marc LeVaillant, PhD, Guillaume Baffet, PhD, Nicole Meslier, MD, PhD, Frédéric Gagnadoux, MD, PhD | Lire |
03/07/20 | 14 | Association between nocturnal hypoxemia and cancer incidence in patients investigated for obstructive sleep apnea. Data from a large multicenter French cohort | CHEST | 8,308 | Grégoire Justeau, MD, Chloé Gervès-Pinquié, PhD, Marc Le Vaillant, PhD, Wojciech Trzepizur, MD, PhD, Nicole Meslier, MD, François Goupil, MD, Thierry Pigeanne, MD, Sandrine Launois, MD, Laurene Leclair-Visonneau, MD, Philippe Masson, MD, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, MD, Marie-Pierre Humeau, MD, Christelle Gosselin, PhD, Margaux Blanchard, PhD, Thierry Urban, MD, PhD, Frédéric Gagnadoux, MD, PhD on behalf of the ERMES Study Group | Lire |
26/11/18 | 13 | Automatic identification of sleep and wakefulness using single‐channel EEG and respiratory polygraphy signals for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea | JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH | 3,432 | AbdelKebir Sabil, Jade Vanbuis, Guillaume Baffet, Mathieu Feuilloy, Marc Le Vaillant, Nicole Meslier, Frédéric Gagnadoux | Lire |
01/10/17 | 12 | Comparison of titrable thermoplastic versus custon-made mandibular advencement device for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea | RESPIRATORY MEDICINE | 3,217 | Frédéric Gagnadoux, Xuan-Lan Nguyen, Marc Le Vaillant, Pascaline Priou, Nicole Meslier, Audrey Eberlein, Jean-Daniel Kun-Darbois, Cyril Chaufton, Bruno Villiers, Maguy Levy, Wojciech Trzépizur, Sandrine Launois | Lire |
01/11/16 | 11 | Association Between Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Blood Markers of Liver Injury | CLIN GASTROENTEROL HEPATOL | 7,68 | Wojciech Trzepizur, Jérôme Boursier, Yasmina Mansour, Marc Le Vaillant, Sylvaine Chollet, Thierry Pigeanne, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, Marie-Pierre Humeau, Claire Alizon, François Goupil, Nicole Meslier, Pascaline Priou, Paul Calès, Frédéric Gagnadoux, the Institut de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire des Pays de la Loire Sleep Cohort Group | Lire |
01/01/16 | 10 | Relationship Between OSA Clinical Phenotypes and CPAP Treatment Outcomes | CHEST | 5,94 | Frédéric Gagnadoux, MD, PhD, Marc Le Vaillant, PhD, Audrey Paris, MD, PhD, Thierry Pigeanne, MD Laurence Leclair-Visonneau, MD, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, MD, Claire Alizon, MD, Marie-Pierre Humeau, MD Xuan-Lan Nguyen, MD, Béatrice Rouault, MD, Wojciech Trzepizur, MD, PhD, Nicole Meslier, MD, on behalf of the Institut de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire des Pays de la Loire Sleep Cohort Group | Lire |
24/09/15 | 9 | Socio-economic status: a barrier to access to mandibular advancement device therapy for patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in France | PLOS ONE | 4,411 | Marion Fleury, Marc Le Vaillant, Nathalie Pelletier-Fleury , IRSR sleep cohort group | Lire |
01/09/15 | 8 | Collection and follow-up of new sleep apnea cases in patients over 70 years of age and diagnosed in pulmonary and geriatric units | REV MAL RESPIR | 0,536 | F.Martin, F.Gagnadoux, F.Onen, S.H.Onen | Lire |
01/08/15 | 7 | Association between obstructive sleep apnea severity and glucose control in patients with untreated versus treated diabetes | JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH | 3,406 | Pascaline Priou, Marc Le Vaillant, Nicole Meslier, Sylvaine Chollet, Thierry Pigeanne, Philippe Masson, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, Marie-Pierre Humeau, François Goupil, Pierre-Henri Ducluzeau, Frédéric Gagnadoux, The IRSR sleep cohort group | Lire |
22/12/14 | 6 | Cumulative association of obstructive sleep apnea severity and short sleep duration with the risk for hypertension | PLOS ONE | 3,234 | Pascaline Priou, Marc Le Vaillant, Nicole Meslier, Audrey Paris, Thierry Pigeanne, Xuan-Lan Nguyen, Claire Alizon, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, Laurene Leclair-Visonneau, Marie-Pierre Humeau, Frédéric Gagnadoux , for the IRSR sleep cohort group | Lire |
01/05/14 | 5 | Depressive symptoms before and after long-term CPAP therapy in patients with sleep apnea | CHEST | 7,483 | Frédéric Gagnadoux, MD, PhD, Marc Le Vaillant, PhD, François Goupil, MD, Thierry Pigeanne, MD, Sylvaine Chollet, MD, Philippe Masson, MD, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, MD, Marie-Pierre Humeau, MD, Nicole Meslier, MD, on behalf of the IRSR Sleep Cohort Group | Lire |
01/09/13 | 4 | Adherence to positive airway pressure in non-sleepy patients with obstructive sleep apnoea | EUR RESPIR J | 7,125 | Frédéric Gagnadoux, Marc Le Vaillant, Audrey Paris, Thierry Pigeanne, Sylvaine Chollet, Philippe Masson, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, Marie-Pierre Humeau, Nicole Meslier | Lire |
01/06/13 | 3 | Independent association between nocturnal intermittent hypoxemia and metabolic dyslipidemia | CHEST | 7,132 | Wojciech Trzepizur, MD, Marc Le Vaillant, PhD, Nicole Meslier, MD, Thierry Pigeanne, MD, Philippe Masson, MD, Marie P. Humeau, MD, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, MD, François Goupil, MD, Sylvaine Chollet, MD, Pierre H. Ducluzeau, MD, PhD, Frédéric Gagnadoux, MD, PhD, for the Institut de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire des Pays de la Loire (IRSR) Sleep Cohort Group | Lire |
01/09/12 | 2 | Independent association between obstructive sleep apnea severity and glycated hemoglobin in adults without diabetes | DIABETES CARE | 7,735 | Pascaline Priou, Marc Le Vaillant, Nicole Meslier, Sylvaine Chollet, Philippe Masson, Marie P. Humeau, Thierry Pigeanne, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, François Goupil, Frédéric Gagnadoux and The IRSR Sleep Cohort Group | Lire |
17/08/11 | 1 | Influence of marital status and employment status on long-term adherence with continuous positive airway pressure in sleep apnea patients | PLOS ONE | 4,411 | Frédéric Gagnadoux , Marc Le Vaillant, François Goupil, Thierry Pigeanne, Sylvaine Chollet, Philippe Masson, Marie-Pierre Humeau, Acya Bizieux-Thaminy, Nicole Meslier, the IRSR sleep cohort group | Lire |